Soft and Slow

What a real gem of a character! This guy was hanging about outside the good ol' Costco, watching the bricks grow mold on one of the pilons for a good 30 to 45 minutes. With his blank quarky stare and statuesque pose, there was only one solution . . . turn this guy into a turtle. With no hare to egg him on, this guy was happily content being bolted into the ground and keeping that goofy look on his face.
great face man........ kind of spooky...good shape design brotha from anotha mutha...
let the anamalions begin
Thanks guys. It was a quick one, but a good one.
Nice to try something a bit different. Now onto the next one. . . .
great character drawing!! Love it!
Thank you very much. This is a really fun exercise . . .both the Sketchclub East and changing a character into an animal based character.
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