I smell a rat . . .

This older gent as a gem as usual. With a new location a bit of intrigue to try something new, the gang deceided on the newly erected Porto's. Without fail, the place was crawling with critters. Upon seeing our "mark" of the week, I initially thought of Rocky Balboa's trainer . . .
"Yer' a bum, ROCK. A bum."
But, I then thought of him as a tired ol' rat. Tired and warn from years of service in the "Men and Mouse" Navel research and development facility. It's here that our "mark" journey'd out to Burbank to soak up some sun away from the base that had such strong glaring waters. Hoping to get a little "R&R" with the chance to see some of those every illusive famous folk, he happened upon this place called Hollywood, Porto's style.