Sketch Club EAST

Mark McDonnell formed this division where after lunch, Sketch Club EAST identifies a person of interest, usually for their unique or distinct characteristics too. The subject is briefly studied without drawing. Once back from lunch and back at the drawing board, the subject is drawn from memory. (Due to the sucess of The Sketch Club, this division was formed . . .thank you Marcelo, Steve, Marcos, and paved the way!)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Soft and Slow

What a real gem of a character! This guy was hanging about outside the good ol' Costco, watching the bricks grow mold on one of the pilons for a good 30 to 45 minutes. With his blank quarky stare and statuesque pose, there was only one solution . . . turn this guy into a turtle. With no hare to egg him on, this guy was happily content being bolted into the ground and keeping that goofy look on his face.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Mousin' around

this mouse of a man was just waiting for the cat to leave costco, when the cat is away, the mice will play...... an easy animal morph for this unsuspecting citizen

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Quickie Cat To Remember . . . 02

Here's a little "bottom corner" sketch. While I was at a meeting at work, I scratched this out on the corner of my notepad.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

A cat to remember . . .

What a great character!
As a retired 1960's Beatnik, this guys was a sight to see. With the winter season whipping into gear, this gentleman was unfazed. His devotion to a dying breed was significant. As we all huddled against the wall sketching until our hands were numb, Captain Berkinstock was here to make a statement. And that he did.

He was high-stepping his way to hot dog heaven.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Memory Sketch 03_06_06

My interpretation of our mark. A bird like beak atop this hilarious looking beard, w/no hair on top of his head. A swashbuckling looking character stuck in the wrong era. It was his character that was interesting too, he seemed so aemotional and mundane in his attitude.So much that he would be unwavering in his reactions to such a theft of a certain body part by a long lost cousin.

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